Airport Express bus stop until 31 January 2024

Airport Express bus stop as of 1 February 2024

From the terminal to the bus stop
Directly under the arrivals hall, on level 0, is the bus station. Via the lifts and escalators, you can easily reach the bus stop. Follow the arrows with ‘Intercity buses’ to continue your journey. The bus parking for Intercity buses is close to the drop-off zone.
From the bus stop to the terminal
The Intercity buses bus parking is within walking distance from the terminal: through the walking tunnel at the drop-off area, you will arrive at the bus station. Follow the arrows marked ‘Terminal’ and you will arrive at the terminal on level 0. From there, you can take the lift or escalator to the Departure level to continue your journey.

For more information about Brussels Airport consult the website:
Other connections in the neighbourhood of the bus stop: Bus | Train | Taxi